Saturday, February 13, 2010



  1. Thank you anna and gemini. Can't get enough of is hot body!
    The last pic's coment is so funny it says colin had 2 , yes 2, oscar nominations!!!! Well he should have for phone booth and in bruges, but unfortunately someone didn't do their homework!!!!!

  2. Sugestion - Look at the pics listening to ;;)
    I forgot to sign the post above - FERB

  3. there must be something more about this guy than his good looks - my housband looks like that and somehow I don't find him so hot.... yeah maybe because I have to put up with his shi@#$ every day ;P well... definitely hot

  4. He looks so young - healthy lifestyle or just happy?

  5. 7:57 maybe happy.... hell I don't know but while I'm not Alicia's fun but I also have nothing against her I think that aither it's (their relationship) publicity and all fake or they're really normal family by now so I would like to think that they are normal couple becuse I've never seen Colin as someone who would live in ( I know it sounds stupid but ..) lie pretending.. that his life is something what is not. I guess we will now somethig next week because I don't believe that Jonathan Ross will not even joke abote marmaid or something like that....;P so we will see how colin will responde to it

  6. #7:57

    Maybe he does some sport? :-/

  7. Is he wearing the same old ring?

  8. Anna... no he doesn't do any sport .. he was born like that ;P ;) come on !!!!!

  9. COLIN IS GOING TO PROPOSE TO ALICJA. He's going to open up this week in Ireland and show off his new son. There is truth to the so called old quotes. They are going to be the new Hollywood couple like Brad and Angelina. There are very few magazines here in this country with stories on the two so I'm not surprised that keeping this romance a secret would open up a huge romantic situation. I'm almost certain that she got the ring this weekend if not today. I bet its an old Irish engagment ring with his birthstone in it. The family always says that marriage or engagment is not true, thats their way of hiding the truth, the the event of surprise isn't ruined or for the movie opening. like we know from all the other stars in Hollywood who are trying to play the quoy game. What better way to introduce his GIRL at her first big movie together and show off their son as well as marriage plans. It's going to be a happy time for the two of them. The year of COLIN and Alicja. I can't wait to hear the news. SOrry guys, but its the truth.

    IT's about time he got his life back and is happy. We should all be happy for him. I know I am. :)

  10. You mean this?
    Could well be.I wouldn't be surprized , at all. Looks like something colin would buy, you know, not very expensive.
    I don't want ot be rude , but Brangelina is in another league. Colin can't get a leading role on an american blockbuster and he is becoming desperate. The photoshoot above shows it.This kind of pics would be more apropriate to a young newcomer. But I loved it!!!!!
    I would love colin to be happy and settled with a girl he loved . I just don't think he is in love with alicja anymore , he may get engadged to her out of a mix of her family pressure and desperate need of good pr, but not the right reason that would make it work.

  11. The A-Listers all do photo shoots when they're promoting movies. Remember Brad and Angie promoting Mr. & Mrs. Smith? Colin doing one again means he's back in business. Good for him.

  12. @3:20 is going to be disappointed.


    Fame-ho isn't going to like it.

  14. #3:20
    No offence but there were plenty of rumours about their close wedding that I won't believe it, until I see wedding rings on their fingers.

  15. I would love for that to be so, 3:20 - but even the body language experts are saying this relationship is dying, big time. Don't be surprised if it turns out that as soon as the publicity for Ondine is over, that they have split up.

  16. 10:43 - even better, rings on their fingers (because we all know that a ring on Colin's fourth left hand finger means nothing) AND wedding photos.

  17. Ferb your the best...I wish I could talk to you in private. I can't post my email because that would be dumb. My grandmother almost recieved a beautiful claddagh ring from her soulmate with an emerald in it, but he went off to war and when he came back it was too late. He told her not to wait for him, and she didn't and regretted it for the rest of her life. I was able to see the ring and it was beautiful. My heart flutters everytime I think about it and how lucky it would have been to have a ring with such meaning. And how sad that she never got to wear it, even when she wanted to. She married a different Irish man, whom of course I love, because he is my grandfather. The situation is sad yet cute, because the two men faught over her for years.

    Why do you suppose Alicja wouldn't like it? Because she is Polish and doesn't know the meaning of it? Nothing is more beautiful then that meaning. Price shouldn't mean a thing. If you know what I mean. What if she isn't like that...and wears it with pride?

    I still think he is in love with her. The articles I have read all point to his love for her. IF he's not in love with her, then who is he with? Knowing him he has to be sleeping with someone, he can't last that long without sharing a bed...right? I mean that is what they say.

  18. 3:27 Do not believe what you read. Keep in mind that the stories you read are designed to sell magazines. Truth is an optional extra with them. Look at the photos. As a form of proof the photos are more reliable. Those photos quite patently show he does not love her. They also show that she does not love him. The infatuation has run it's course and they are probably sticking together because of the kid or PR or both.


  20. How can you blatantly say he doesn't love her and vice-versa.She clearly said she loves him in the interview,let's wait and see what he has to say about their realationship before we judge "their love" on some random photos.

  21. Exactly 4:15, but more importantly being from Canada, NONE of our magazines even show the two of them together or any information on their romance. IF you want to hear any gossip on them you have to go on the internet. Are the magazines there, loaded with info on the two of them? I've got nothing here.

  22. I'm positive he is going to open up about how much in love he is with her, look at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, you didn't hear anything for sure until he's jumping on the couch of Opera's talk show. That was a few months after the fact, then they had a child together.

  23. Random photos? How about every single photo of them that we see these days?

    How can I quite blatently say that he does not love her? Body language is a b*tch, I know, but it delivers 50% of each message we receive, and often tells the truth when what is being said is a lie.

    Of course she would say that she loves him. She sounded about as convincing as the worst liar I have ever heard. She was trying like hell to not appear as a fame-ho - a feat she failed miserably at doing. So of course she would say that.

    Colin's practise is that he doesn't speak openly about his relationships - so don't be surprised if he doesn't mention a damn thing about Alicja.

  24. Do you notice how this is an English Blog, as someone said a while ago, why the heck are people putting Polish sites on here for us to read as proof about their argument and we can't read the proof???? Those photo's look like they are in love regardless of it being the movie shoot. Or is that the proof, we can't read the truth so therefore nothing is true?

  25. I wish I read your msg 5:45pm before I posted mine. I was trying to read Alicja's blog and couldn't make a word of it.

    What if he does though, what if he does mention his love for her...will you believe it then?

  26. 5:48 - I am a different person to 5:45, but I think you were responding to me. If his behaviour backs it up, then yes. You see, the mouth lies, but the body has many involuntary responses that become evident when it knows the mouth is telling a lie. So if his behaviour backs up what he says, then yes. If no...


  28. 5:45 So if you'll see pix of them looking happy then you'll believe that they're in love.We saw pix of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt looking very in love,next thing you knew he was leaving her for Angelina.I don't know if Colin loves ABC but I just can't say he definitely doesn't love her just by looking at photos.

  29. 6:09 - a picture tells a thousand words. So yes, you can tell if they are in love from photos. Brad and Jen were and are both masters of the PR gig. Colin is not. The only times we saw Brad and Jen together before the breakup was at celeb get-togethers where everyone is smiling and acting all lovey-dovey anyway, so those photos can hardly ever be trusted. Whereas the photos we see of Colin and Alicja that are not at celeb get-togethers are very telling.

  30. Anyone interested in translating the polish (or any other) articles or ABC's blog, copy the link to the page you want to see in your language and go to google translator. Paste the link and viola, polish to english or spanish or whatever. It isn't always a great translation but you'll get the gist. I don't necessarily recommend this however, the ABC blog has her singing and I like you all way too much to inflict her "music" on you.

  31. 6:29 I clearly remember them being photographed on the beach(Mexico,Costa Rica?) before the split,looking happy.I think I will take wait and see approach.I get your point but to me pictures don't tell the whole story about the relationship,I want to see how he'll respond when ask about her and their life together.

  32. To Canadian commenter- there has been nothing about them in the U.S. tabloids. I think only Polish press is paying attention and believe this is all being orchestrated by ABC's reps there to keep her in the public eye. They know this is her one big shot at international fame and they're running with it.

  33. Agree body language tells a lot. A quick look at the photos here and there isn't any genuine intimacy between them. Most surprising are the photos when she was pregnant and arriving in a crowded airport faced with an army of paps, an expectant father's instincts would have made him much more protective than CF was if he cared for her deeply. Compare to the pics of him carrying Henry. He protects the baby with his whole body. When you combine body language with Colin's history, it seems silly to expect the relationship to last. Based on his behavior in the past, if she hadn't gotten pregnant, he'd be at the mad about you phase with a new girl right about now and it would last until winter. There would be articles about her saving his life. The break up which no one would know about until he appears next spring with a new love of his life. Colin has a cycle he's on. Clear as day for the last several years. ABC would've been over about the time Henry was born if there was no Henry.

  34. Then obviously you don't know polish press,they'll print whatever will sell them papers.Right now CF and ABC are big deal in Poland,people are interested in their romance.There were so many lies printed about them,just make up stories about him or her.

  35. So he doesn't love her and she doesn't love him yet they're still together.A lot of you said Colin is not PR person,so he doesn't care about his image,leaving ABC and Henry wouldn't make a differece to him.Than there is Kim and Jimmy,he left her while she was pregnant,Jimmy was not enough for him to stayed with Kim.Can someone explain to me why is he with ABC if he doesn't love her,it doesn't make any sense to me.

  36. I am so happy with what I am reading here on this blog on this page. It's nice to see that people are being logical and not mean. But what about the articles were it says that he wants to spend his life with her and come home and know that she will be there etc etc and that he is completely taken by her...etc and friends and family have never seen him so happy.

  37. 8:05 the EXACT same thigs were said about Lake Bell, MM (can't spell it sorry) and Emma Forrest before ABC. It's easy to find on the internet. For some reason this is the way the tabs spin stories of CF's love life. Sorry, but ABC is the most recent in a long line.

  38. I'm not convinced they're still together. I'm thinking there's some truth to the house buying stories some time ago. We'll see soon enough. He didn't stay with Lake until the opening of P&G and they were friendly at the premiere. This is what I expect to see when Ondine opens.

  39. 8:19 I think you're talking about an article
    from Star magazine,we don't know if he said that more like it whoever wrote that article add his/her thing to it.The only thing we have it,he called her "his girl" at GG.To 7:29 if he is so protective of Henry and loves him why he never talks about him like he did with Jimmy?I'm not saying he doesn't love him just it's strange he never said anything about him since he was born.

  40. I'm sure he loves Henry. Henry is only 4 months old and Colin hasn't said much of anything in the last four months. Did he talk about James in the first six months? I don't know but maybe he's decided it isn't the best thing for his kids or maybe he will talk about them when he's doing an interview.

  41. 6;26 I would love to hear your take on Leonardo Dicaprio and Bar Refaeli relationship.When you look at their pictures together they look miserable,but I heard they just got engaged.Go figure:)

  42. Sexy Colin showing skin and all I can think on is licking him from head to toe. Fame-ho, shame-ho. He's nearly naked ladies! Come on. Enjoy it whilst it lasts. :P


    These are only a few of the DOZENS out there dug up in 5 minutes (less time than it took ABC to get knocked up). Bottom line- he's been deeply in love, saved from his hell-raising lifestyle, maybe pregnant, maybe married or getting married, moving in with, off the market, blissfully happy with three women before ABC in the last four years. She is nothing new except for increasing her time in the limelight with a baby.

  44. LOL, 11:21pm your seriously AWESOME.. I never laughed so hard in my life. Your so right, I can't believe how funny that is. Talk about a guy who falls in love quickly or pretends too.

    I wish I could go into detail about the truth behind him and his true heart break from the past and how he gets by, by falling in love quickly to get over it. The truth is I bet he still has the girl but he's so slow to react and won't move forward in letting his guard down. I read the book Living dangerously, and it sounds pretty sad about his heartache and if you read between the lines of what kind of life he lived, I' don't believe for a moment that his partying, drinking, drugs and sleeping around was because he was happy and wanted to live life, but rather experience life outside the heartbreak. To See what life had to give him 'if' he lost his life or thought that she was gone. He's searching for love outside of the past and for his heart to mend...and trying to find the "her" to fill the void...but the truth is, I bet she is right in front of him and he's too scared to feel or repeat the pain from the past. It may not be ALICJA, but it might be...but I would love it if he for once was actually honest about his heart instead of honest about the things he says randomly.

    He totally loves his children, and I think he knows he made a mistake letting "out" the love of Jimmy to the public. I bet the poor little guy is scared out of his mind with flashing lights and people screaming and chasing him and his father around. Colin probably doesn't want to make the same mistake with this one.

    True Love is so Frightening. But he will be okay.

  45. The ring he wears has more meaning than you all think. He is married whether she is with him or not, to him he is married to her regardless who he pretends to be with. When he reaches her, it will all make sense. I'm not talking about Alicja this time. but she might be a good distraction until he figures it out. It's not the girls in the last 4 or 5 years he has been caught with either. He will be okay.

  46. Well of course, 12:38 and 12:25. It's not a secret Colin's one true love doesn't love him but he really really must try to move on. Dame Eileen Atkins will never return his passion for her. She was incredibly gracious about his advances but her heart belongs to her husband. If only he'd stop following her every move on the internet and pining away for her hours on end, he might be able to forget and fall in love with another.

  47. Why there are no pix from airport,is he filming Jonathan Ross show tomorrow or not?Jay-z is already in London(he's Jonathan guest tomorrow too).

  48. Hmmm 12:55am how do you know his one true love doesn't love him...funny that you said Eileen Atkins...not true of course LOL.

    I thought the show was on the 19th?

  49. Hey, that was good advice, I'm going to stop pining away for hours on end and following every move he makes on the internet so that I can get over him and fall in love with another. Too bad I used him on the internet to get over a cheating husband...damn how am I ever going to get this right? Oh well, he is a fantacy and a good one at that. I'm sure Eleen is a good distraction for him as well. Maybe I will have to actually take my action into place and become the new Alicja only better :P....I won't be a fameHO! But I really don't believe it anyway.

  50. Awesome 342 what we need is a new ABC. New and improved. She sucks socks at everything. Can you do better? Colin deserves a better class of fame-ho really he does.

  51. @12:38:

    Who are you talking about,Angelina maybe?
    I still think to this day he was madly in love with her.
    Just look at pics taken from them... Wow,you can almost feel his love.

  52. 7:58 - Colin is most likely with her (at least publically) because he is tired of that 'bad boy' image.

    I used to think he was not a PR person but now I think he is.

  53. 9.06 pm


  55. 1:09 Yeah that's right they were miserable,why don't you find ealier pix(they also broke-up couple times).
    Read all the comments,everyone thinks they look miserable together on their pix yet they got engaged(if rumors are true)

  56. 1:43, According to this, the engagement rumors between Bar and Leo are false:

    I'll say this about Colin - at least whe he dumps a woman, he dumps her for good!

  57. Colin's fans remind me a lot of Leo's fans,the treatment Bar is getting is sad.Poor girl.

  58. I agree. Leo's fans are terrible to Bar, but I wouldn't worry too much. She's beautiful and very successful in her own right, without him. She doesn't need a man to make her happy or famous. Unlike a certain someone else ...

  59. Well that's not what Leo's fans think.Let's hope Colin and Bar will hook up in the near future.

  60. Stop about Leo this blog is about the end we fans are like the mothers we feel what is good and what is bad...=))

  61. To Anonymous said...
    COLIN IS GOING TO PROPOSE TO ALICJA. He's going to open up this week in Ireland and show off his new son. There is truth to the so called old quotes. They are going to be the new Hollywood couple like Brad and Angelina.

    Are you from poland? like Brad and Angelina...are you serious.? Dont say such a silly thing...US press do not care about them...FYI...and just polish press in paying attention to CF and ABC...In US people do not know her at all...she is like a kind of Kim (colin ex) just the mom of his son no moreeeeeee...

  62. 2:49 I'm sorry but she's not like Kim,Alicja had(and have) a career before she met Colin,Kim was a model but I never seen any pix of her modeling.Yes there is intrest in Poland in their romance,so you should be grateful because there are the only the one(polish press) buying Colin pictures these days.

  63. 3.12 pm- I do no have nothing against her...and I do not deny her beauty but please accept that she has a carreer just in Poland..ABC is one of Poland’s biggest star. In US she is known as the mother of Colin Farrell’s more sad but true. She was totally ignored in the GG. So you can not say that they are a kind of Brad and Angelina..this is iterally laughable.

  64. yeah they are a kind of Brad & angelina...just check who famous she is when she was totally ignored at GG.
    (minute 1.01)

  65. I never said they are Brad and Angie,that was somebody else.And what's the big deal being known in US,is this some kind of obssesion,there are plenty of actors and actressess/musicans that nobody ever heard of in US but they're quite popular in Europe.I wonder if anyone even heard of in US about Vanessa Paradis before she became Johnny Depp's girlfriend.I can bet not many,but she was very popular in Europe before she even met Johnny Depp.I can go on and on,being"not known"in US it's not the end of the world.

  66. 5:44 -> 100% right !!! They have obssesion about US ;))

    But here is a very good song: Rammstein - Amerika

    Big kisses from Europe :p

  67. you can not compare Vanesa P with ABC. VP is a classy and elegant girl and she is always trying to avoid the press while ABC is always posing and smiling to all paparazzis like the big star. she is hungry of fame. I am french so dont tell me who EU is, Iet me tell you this girl is and was not known before in EU. I do not know where are u from in EU but then you should know the almost all EU-actors would do everything to come to Hollywood but not to get pregnant of a guy that you have just met. She will now forever be known as Colin Farrell's second baby mom.

  68. 3:36 -> VP is a classy and elegant girl and she is always trying to avoid the press...


    17 years old and romance with 61 years old Serge Gainsbourg...
    Teen years old and erotic scenes in "Noce blanche"....
    And she is Deep's baby mom...

    She has the same class what ABC.
    No difference...

    So don't lie!! :)

  69. 3:36 Jesteś widocznie, albo bardzo młodą osobą, albo nie zorientowaną.Popytaj starszych , to się dowiesz.To,że życie pani VP tak się potoczyło, to miła niespodzianka, bo nie zanosiło się na to.

  70. 3:36 VP is not classy or elegant,go google her name,and see lots of naked pictures of her,she was lucky she met Johnny Depp, get over yourself,Johnny fans can't stand her,he was so much better off with Winona Ryder,now that's elegant and clasy.

  71. This Colin blog...please stop...go to a polish blog and let us in are the only fans ALICJA BACHLEDA has...please accept it and go away.

  72. Nie przyjmujesz argumentów prawdy.Jak tobie się nie podoba, to idź dalej.Ja jestem również fanem CF.Cieszę się szczęściem jego ,jeśli jest szczęśliwy.Cieszę się szczęściem Alicji , jeśli jest szczęśliwa.Życzę im tego.To wszystko.Tu nikt nie pisze o ich pracy, a tylko to może nam się podobać, albo nie, w zależności od gustów.Reszta to nie nasza sprawa, nawet gdy mamy dla nich wielką życzliwość. Ja lubię kiedy ludzie są szczęśliwi.Oby im się udało!

  73. I won't be coming back here. I know. You don't care.

  74. 4:52 But I care :) Don't go away.


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