Sunday, November 29, 2009



  1. Wow Colin got a new shoes,but where is Henry.

  2. Henry is being raised by a nanny..poor thing. Sad really. Thank goodness he ditched those horrid boots for once!!

  3. I don't know if it's just me, or the photo's but Alicja's looking almost... and I hate to say it, but almost 'too skinny'?!

    I know some women do naturally lose their baby-weight very easily, not many, but some. But within one month?! I know I was elated at being back in a leather mini skirt three months after my daughter was born (that was way back in 1996 & I was a bit of a biker gal in them days!). But Alicja is actually looking a lot thinner now than before the pregnancy, and her face seems very drawn.

    I'm sure it's most likely down to being a new mum, but those photos did concern me enough to comment x

  4. ABC looks like Madonna in these pix. No offense to Madonna! LOL

  5. No Henry. Selfish, selfish people.

  6. I agree! Some people never grow up and learn any responsibility.

  7. Yes she's looking little bit skinny,but that's the pressure of living in California and being an actress,he lost weight too,if you look at pix from August he was heavier.

  8. Yes, I've noticed Colin's weight seems to go up and down a lot... naturally, and regardless of preparation for his film roles! But he's not got PMS... so what's his excuse?! ;))

  9. she looks pissed off at first pic, I love her dress really she looks good I don't thnk it's wrong that baby is not with them it's pretty normal to leave baby for little while especially when you have people to take care of him just normal people!!!!!

  10. But is it normal to leave a newborn? No! :-o

  11. No it's not and not at less than 2 months old? My sister and her husband still haven't left their 2 year old overnight..even with grandparents or me that live close by like minutes away. But..I guess everyone has different priorities.

  12. it is ! People it is at least in my world and it doesn't mean that we love our kids less here. But it's silly we have our opinions, there is no point in fighting. I wonder though where are they going I assumed that they will travel to Europe in mid December and with Henry so work? But where? there is no festival now... only camerimage in Poland but they are not a guests at least I think... maybe some paper work with kid citizenship and stuff but don't he have people to do that for him? any guesses?

  13. Like the other poster said.. people have their priorities in different orders. To each their own I reckon. I'm not a mom, but I would not leave a child overnight until it was a bit older. But that's just me. Maybe they're just going somewhere for a couple of days before he has to go to Chicago next week. I hope he didn't cancel that. He's due to give a speech and he owes it to James.

  14. Maybe Claudine or ABC mother is with the baby far back so paparazzi won't snap a shot of Henry,I wish there was some video or more pix.

  15. 5:15, People do leave their kids for periods of time - but it is very damaging to the child to do it for even a few days that early in a child's life. These are the kids that wind up in therapy and rehab.

  16. These photos were staged if you ask me...
    1.Colin is carrying the amount of luggage he usualy takes with him when he travels but she's only carrying a beautycase.
    2.Everyone just has to see they are both holding a passport.
    3.Their bodylanguage tells me they are anything but happy and in love.
    To me it's saying:'I'm only doing this because i have to but i really hate your guts!!'
    4.No sign of little Henry
    5.We haven't seen or heard anything for weeks but than a story pops up about Colin and Janet Jackson and boom!! there they are,all "happy" together.
    I don't think so...
    They want to make it look like they are leaving together but i think IF any of them is actually leaving it's Colin.
    Maybe he allready left to Chicago for that charity event on the 5th...?

  17. leave a kid alone ok so they're bad parents so what!? But where the hell are they going? And I think Colin is keeping his hair long again...

  18. 6:13 those are some very astute observations there! Thankyou! Would it be alright with you if I post what you said on Colin's page at I think the people there would really appreciate that.

  19. 6:40,

    I don't mind at all.

  20. 6:42, Thanks!

    There is only one potential problem with your theory, there is a very small photo (which is on which *could* be them booking in their luggage (so that's where ABC's luggage - if she had some, might have gone). It's too small to really see a lot but I guess we shall find out!

  21. 6:42, here's that image:

  22. there's no point in arguing about that, 6:40 and 6:42 I don't think that this pics are staged you can clearly see that his bodyguard is carrying something and it's probably her suitcase -seriously what alse can it be it's not me beeing silly it's just probable as it comes to bodylanguage guys we can see 4 pics!!! and we learned here many times that few pics don't tell anything plus it's not a best time to beeing romantic and handholding when you're photographed by paps at the freaking airport come on! Probably just probably if they wanted to stage some pics they could easily go to one of this fancy restaurants which are always watched by paps and avoid all this "they left newborn at home for a long time" talk but of course it's just my opinion and I can be wrong

  23. 8:05 the bodyguard is holding some light hand luggage and that is it. As for not being lovey-dovey, I have seen plenty of couples at airports still manage to look actually interested in each other.

  24. 8:05 AM,

    'Probably just probably if they wanted to stage some pics they could easily go to one of this fancy restaurants which are always watched by paps.'

    Nope,he can't do that.
    He allready did that with Janet last week...

  25. I think it is obvious Alicja got mad at the JJ incident and demanded colin to show up with her in public, so her people in poland would see they are still together. Traveling without the baby is gross. No breastfeeding the baby is irresponsable parenthood. Maybe, the baby is coming behind with a nanny , but put such a small child in a plane is also stupid.
    I am so sorry for the litle kid. FERB
    That small pic is a video?

  26. It's a screencapture of a video.

    Anyone else here think that their relationship is at the stage of 'going through the motions?' And I don't mean walking.

  27. 9:25 it is but we can't see it without password to this newspusher site:/ so we need to wait for some more pics because if there is video there must be more pics it's driving me crazy when I know thet something is there and I can't see it :/

  28. actually she's not carrying beauty bag but it is isothermal bag for bottles I have very similiar one that's why she didin't put it to the suitcase you can't do that with bottles can you?

  29. That's too shallow to be a thermal bag for bottles.

  30. no it's not but you can argue with me if you want no problem. But I'm crazy enough to send you a link with picture of this bag I bought lately

    And yes I'm from Poland I'm not Alicja's big fan but when I see something what I know what it is I just hate people saying opposite only because they don't like it. Still they lost poor Henry somewhere... LOL

  31. How do you know I didn't like it? Please don't make assumptions.

    Yes it could be the bag you suggested, it could also be something different. We have no idea what's inside it. My sister in law has a similar bag, and she also has a 6 m. o. baby. Yet, she does not use that bag to carry her child's bottles - she uses it for something different.

  32. you're right it can be anything but it is just enother possibility. It's strange that there's no more pics though ...

  33. I have a cosmetics bag that looks just like the one in her hand.

  34. of course you have, most of us have:) but why would she have cosmetic bag in her hands? Of course ther's plenty explanation for that but for me just for me it makes more sense when I admitt that it is possible that it is thermal bottle bag. Well we need more photos we can't tell much just looking at this 4.

  35. 'but why would she have cosmetic bag in her hands?'

    Because cosmetics bags can contain liquids and gels (foundation, rouge and stuff like that). Of course, since a certain terrorist incident, there are very strict laws regarding how passengers on planes carry their liquids and gels. Now it's been a couple of years since I last went through LAX but when I did I had to keep all liquids (like deodorants and perfumes and cremes and things) in a bag that was readily accessible in case they did a random search. IDK if that is still what happens, though.

  36. More photos here:

  37. when you just go to on the main page you will find those pics in better quality and bigger.:) thnx 12:13

  38. I posted this on another forum but I want to maximise the chance I will get an answer so I am also posting it here:

    Something to me just does not look right about these photos. Now forgive me if I am being ignorant - I know nothing of the rights and privileges of celebrities in the US. So maybe airports will do some sort of special deal for celebrities or something, I don't know.


    This is LAX. A major international airport. So my question is... Where are all the rest of the passengers? Now, maybe if that is the domestic terminus there would be fewer people. Maybe it's the GFC. Who knows? But at the end of those shots, all you have are Colin, Alicja, some paps and some security guards. That just stinks to me of a set-up. You know, like the whole thing was a carefully-organised photo opportunity?

    So my basic question is this: Does anyone here know if it is a regular thing for an airport to direct regular customers away from certain areas when a star is coming through? You know, maybe as a security thing or something?

  39. Leave it to ABC to bring a freaking thermal bottle bag but not the six week old baby. The so-called body guard is probably just some random dude trying to get through the airport and happened to be walking behind CF. I do know newborns, old people and people with compromised immune systems are being advised not to fly because of the flu epidemic. Who knows what they're doing.

  40. no this guy is actually his bodyguard/driver I don't know who but he's very often at airports with him and on some footages I saw him departuring with him so maybe he's flying with them, it is very empty indeed but I have never been at LAX and I have no idea how terminals there works or maybe they're flying private that's why noone is there? I have never done that either so I don't know how security works when you fly private.

  41. I just realised something funny - he's wearing nearly the same outfit that he wore when he was busted with JJ! The only thing that is different is that the white shirt he wore on Nov. 12th was a V - neck and this is a circular one! Oh, and the shoes are different, too. You think he's trying to tell us something? :))

  42. Yeah..I'm guilty as hell! LOL

  43. Yeah almost,but he changed his shoes,I don't know why nobody comment on that,he had those shoes for ages(longer then any girlfriend),maybe it's a sign or the shoes finally fell apart.

  44. I hope they did. Those things were horrible!

  45. You know,i used to like him a lot.
    He used to be very funny,extremely honest and spontanious.
    These days he's turning more and more into a grumpy old diva.
    And who's the girlfriend/baby mama?
    She looks like a witch,look at that jawline,it's huge!!
    The only thing missing is a big wart on her nose and a broomstick...

  46. Oh,and one of those big pointy hats...

  47. 2:41 In fact Alicja looks excellent and who is the witch .... you guess.

  48. Lol he also have a blue converse, and his boots always comeback lol

  49. Regarding the black bag,I went to this polish site,and that bag is to carry expressed milk or accessories to express milk,so if this indeed is isothermal bag she might be breasfeeding.

  50. Aah,the witch has a name... Alicja.
    Thanks for the info!!

  51. Colin has wore this tennis shoes before. Does anyone here think he is flying on a private jet, or the place he is on LAX is for comercial flights??? If Henry was boarded before them , why alicja didn't choose to board with him? The answer? For the press . Seriously, they should stop caring so much for everything internet say!!!!

  52. 2:41 PM,
    'You know,i used to like him a lot.
    He used to be very funny,extremely honest and spontanious.
    These days he's turning more and more into a grumpy old diva.'

    I couldn't agree with you more!!
    And you know 3:49 PM,in Hollywood image is everything and if you ask me,Colin's desperately trying to save his...

  53. 3:56 I agree. For a couple of years now he's been getting nothing but good press between his sobriety and his generosity but the second it got out he had BM#2 pregnant after a very short relationship, he's back to being laughed at for his personal choices. I think he's doing major damage control by trying to be serious about this romance.


    I got this from IMDB. Funny even the photo agency is questioning whether it is "irresponsible" for them to leave little Henry for a vacation from their stressful celebity lives. Without clicking hold your mouse over the photo and the little blurb appears over the pictures.

  55. Yeah I've seen it,I can't imagine leaving my son with somebody at 7-weeks old,maybe the baby stayed with her mother in LA or is carry by her somewhere behind.Either way all this is bizzare.Are those pix from LAX,Chicago or Dublin.

  56. I don't know. They say it is LAX. I've never seen LAX not crowded especially the Saturday after Thanksgiving but who knows. I wish ABC would hire a stylist. She dresses like 13 year old.

  57. If they're going to Chicago why would they go one week ealier,Colin is scheduled to attend Angelman benefit on Dec 5th,that's like 6 days away.

  58. Anyone else think ABC looks like she went for "hair and makeup" before going for the walk through at the airport?

  59. Yeah..she looks like she's trying to look like Farrah Fawcette...but she's failing miserably!

  60. WHERE IS THE BABY?????

  61. Apparently not in Mexico with his parents..

  62. Very elaboarate photo op. How exactly did the paps find the right balcony in Mexico? Whatever, I am done.

  63. Maybe they are doing the Mexico thing as a make-up for the JJ incident?

  64. Colin has decided to go the Tom Cruise route. Sad for him. He could've made it on his talent.

  65. 5:46 How is that a "very elaborate photo op"? The paps found the balcony the same way they find out when a celeb is going to be at an airport. They're tipped off by an airport or hotel employee. CF and ABC are very obviously happy and in love.

    5:57 What do you mean by the Tom Cruise route?

  66. 6:05, I strongly disagree. The whole airport walkthrough and trip has been staged as a PR exercise. Don't you think that it is a little bit suspicious that this trip comes up to show them as a 'united couple' after the Janet Jackson debacle? I also think that it is very telling that she showed interest in him, but not him in her. Before someone says 'but was only a few photos' there is an old saying - 'a picture tells a thousand words'. One thing those airport pics don't say is that they are in love. This was exactly the same thing that Brad and Jennifer did before they broke up. As for the Mexico photos, you can see that it is him, but not that it is her. So again, there is no actual proof of the status of their relationship. I think they are both in major 'let's save our individual reputations' mode.

  67. 6:23 It is her in the photos. Come on. And you are right, a picture tells a thousand words. And these pictures-

    -tell me they are in love, or at the very least, in lust. Eventually people are going to run out of conspiracy ideas to make a very real relationship *not real* for themselves. Everyone was happy to believe he had an "intimate" cuddle fest with JJ without even seeing a single photo to back that rumor up. And yet those same people require forensic testing to believe Henry even exists, and cannot even see with unbiased eyes that CF and ABC are very clearly having an actual intimate moment in the above photos. It's gone beyond ridiculous. For all we know, that's JJ's place and she loaned it to them. Stars DO do that. We have no idea what he was doing with JJ, nor do we know it was "intimate" - but we should know we can't trust rag mags to print the truth.

  68. Wow. It never ceases to amaze me how bitter some of you "fans" can be. The majority of you are all set to assume the worst about him (and especially his relationship with Alicja, whatever it may be) as if somehow you all know best. For all we know, Henry was on the same flight as they were but they sent him on ahead (or he came later) with someone else to avoid attention from the press. A photo of a hotel balcony is not a photo of the inside of Colin and Alicja's hotel room where there is every chance their son is sleeping inside. Who the hell knows? I have always come to this blog to get a heads up on Colin's work and see new pics whenever they happen to show up, but it is really not worth enduring a bunch of bitchy women dissecting someone they claim to love to do so. Goodbye, folks. It hasn't been fun.

  69. 6:23 The Brad/Jen analogy is not even remotely relevant to CF & ABC. At the time, Brad and Jen were BOTH big time A-listers. Brad still is. They were the hottest Hollywood couple. That is not the case here. Colin has never dated someone in his "league" (meaning A-list) that I can recall. Furthermore, how do you know the Brad/Jen trip was a "pr stunt" and not a last attempt to salvage their relationship. Really people. All this "insight" and arm chair psychology over some photos of people we don't know??

  70. You can't see her face in those mexico photos so really it could be anyone with slight frame, cream skin and dark blonde hair. The only way you can't tell it's my sister is the fact that she's with me in a completely different country, and Colin is not here.

    Oh, and the only reason for why people suspected that there was something in the JJ story was because a) he was photographed coming out of the Beverley Hills hotel, b) he knows JJ (he was at the MJ movie premiere and was seen talking with her), and c) there were eyewitnesses to the JJ event.

    7:16, Colin has not been an A-list actor for a long time. But I think he is trying to become A-list again. Alicja admits that she wants to be A-list. Whether or not a star is A-list in Hollywood is totally irrelevant in Hollywood. What matters is your reputation and that is precisely why the comparison to the BP-JA 'holiday that was an attempt to save their marriage' is relevant. Do you think that the public would have been sympathetic to either of them if they had not tried to at least be seen as trying to save their marriage? Do you think that either of them would have been getting nearly as much work if the public saw them as less than people who at least tried to make it work?

    It's the timing of these photos and this trip that is HIGHLY suspicious.

  71. a) so what
    b) there were never photos of him at the MJ movie either and if he was there that proves nothing. maybe they are friends
    c) some unidentified anonymous person posting a comment using barely coherent sentences on irish central, saying they were there (at an exclusive restaurant that's probably reservation-only), is not a witness in my estimation. anyone could say they were a "witness." it is after all the internet.

    8:18, unless you work in the entertainment industry (yes i'm sure some soul will show up here shortly claiming that they do, to back you up), then i really don't care what your opinions of reputations in Hollywood having to do with anything are. it's just your opinion - like this is my opinion. and in my opinion, anyone who would say that's not ABC in the photos, is in denial.

    *Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

  72. Oh, and yes, Colin IS A-list.

  73. He used to be an A-lister but Hollywood got tired of him...
    I was a huge fan of Colin for a very very long time but he changed,his attitude towards the public changed,wich is not a good thing.
    Like anonimous 2:41 said;'He used to be very funny,extremely honest and spontanious.
    These days he's turning more and more into a grumpy old diva.'
    That's true,i feel the exact same way.
    Some movie stars seem to forget it's the fans who watch and buy their movies that brought them to where the are today.
    I believe the sales figures of Colin's last few movies speak for themselves...

    As for Colin and Alicja,i truely believe that her pregnancy was not planned but that he's trying his best to do the right thing for the sake of his son and(!!) reputation.
    Will they last?
    No,i think she'll be a single mom before the end of next year...

  74. To 8:58,

    8:18 here.

    A) To be able to say that someone is someone in a photo, you need to see their face. Otherwise you do look less than intelligent.
    B) There were photos of him leaving the event. I never said that he and Janet were anything more than friends.
    C) True, but one thing is undeniable - ET is an established, well known and reliable source. Do you think they would risk their professional rep by printing something that is not true?

    I have eight years working in Hollywood as an entertainment journalist. I quit because I wanted to try a different field. I now teach English in Japan to schoolchildren.

    The definition of denial that you provide can easily be applied to you. It causes you discomfort to think they are not anything else other than a happy couple, to the point you are unable to accept an alternate interpretation of the evidence. Therefore you reject it, despite the evidence. Believe it or not, I actually want them to be happy together. My experience tells me otherwise.

  75. 9:43- My a, b, and c were direct responses to yours. Try to stay on point, will you? Yes, I'm surely not surprised that you happen to be an ex-industry *journalist*.... right. "Freelance," were you? I never said it causes me "discomfort to think they are anything less than a happy couple," did I? I never said how I feel about it. All I said was IT IS HER in the photos. And that, to me, clearly looks like an intimate moment being had in the photos. Whatever you choose to tell yourself has no bearing on the reality of Colin's life, who he spends his time with or who he is in a relationship, so it really doesn't matter.

  76. 9:43 would you please post a link to a photo of Colin leaving "the event" of the MJ movie premiere? You're an ex-journalist. You ought to be able to use your sleuthing skills to find one. :))

  77. "School children" should be written like this in English -- as two separate words.
    :)) :)) :)) =))

  78. So........... he was JUST photographed at LAX with ABC, but the girl in the Mexico pics *might* not be her?????

    Then who is it????


  79. :-L someone has a fun here ;))

  80. 'I never said it causes me "discomfort to think they are anything less than a happy couple," did I? I never said how I feel about it.. All I said was IT IS HER in the photos.'

    The passion with which you reacted to my post tells me otherwise.

    The only way you could know that is a) if you were there or b) you are her.


    '"Freelance," were you?'

    Yes, I am freelance. What of it? Experience is experience.


    '9:43 would you please post a link to a photo of Colin leaving "the event" of the MJ movie premiere? You're an ex-journalist. You ought to be able to use your sleuthing skills to find one.'

    The photo of him leaving the event is actually here on this site - you can try using your eyes. I'm not going to do the work for you. You might try searching for the headline that asks 'what is Colin doing'.


    '"School children" should be written like this in English -- as two separate words.'

    Only if you are using the rules of American English. I teach Queen's English. Congratulations for winning first prize for pettiness, though.


    'So........... he was JUST photographed at LAX with ABC, but the girl in the Mexico pics *might* not be her?????

    Then who is it????'

    You tell me. You are the one who can magically tell based solely on the fact that she walked through LAX with him, that the lady in the obscured photograph (where you can't see her face FCOL) is necessarily her. It's not possible that, gee, Alicja could have stepped out for a couple of hours to see the sights or visit someone and Colin could have invited someone else in? Before you bother denying that, remember Colin was unfaithful to Emma. He had already impregnated Alicja before he broke up with her. That is a matter of record. A lot of people say 'he wouldn't do that he's just become a father for the second time' and that may be true. However, given that he has a reputation in the industry as having a roving eye, it's a very real possibility.

    =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

  81. I'm not seeing the point of your extreme laughter.

    The "passion" with which I "reacted???"
    "Passion???" =)) =))

    No, really, point me to the link on this blog of the photo of Colin leaving the MJ movie "This IS It" premiere. I missed that one and I'd really like to see it. Is you name Athena by any chance??


  82. "You tell me."

    I will tell you. That's CF's current girlfriend and mother of his most recent child. Her name is Alicja Bachleda-Curus.

  83. Uh oh 1:16. I guess this isn't her either.

    =)) :-*

  84. Gemini, would you mind terribly if I asked you to point me in the direction of your blog entry that asks the question "What is Colin Doing?" that is apparently accompanied by a photo of Colin leaving the premiere of the Michael Jackson movie "This Is It?" - because I really can't find it. 11:16 is telling me that such an entry exists with a photo of Colin leaving the MJ movie premiere, but I just can't seem to find it. Perhaps she misunderstood what I was asking with my clunky American English when I initially responded to her purport that such a photo exists - I don't know. I really would like to see it.

  85. I guess that must be Janet Jackson in all the other new Mexico photos... =))

  86. 'The "passion" with which I "reacted???"

    In other words, the strength of your feeling, It indicates that yes, you experience a great deal of discomfort when someone demonstrates a plausible alternate interpretation of the facts.

    'No, really, point me to the link on this blog of the photo of Colin leaving the MJ movie "This IS It" premiere. I missed that one and I'd really like to see it. Is you name Athena by any chance??'

    Look for it. It is here. I told you the name. I won't do your work for you. No, I am not called Athena. You're not called Nell, by any chance are you?


    =)) =)) =))

    That is a laughable answer. Google is an American company. So... they'd use the rules of American English. In American English they separate the two words. In Queen's English, (also known as British English) they don't. See the example here:

    I quote: 'Schoolchildren should have more constructive criticism of their English from primary school onwards, says Professor Lamb'.

    Of course you don't understand the reason for the extreme laughter - because people who lack more sophisticated powers of reasoning don't realise that they look extremely silly when they insist, despite flimsy evidence (the fact that it was her in LAX means it MUST have been her at the hotel) that they are right.

    'I will tell you. That's CF's current girlfriend and mother of his most recent child. Her name is Alicja Bachleda-Curus.'


    Oh yes! Lord knows, she must be the ONLY slight framed, dark blonde haired, creamy-skinned woman in the USA! Let alone in the world.

    =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

  87. Sorry that 'angry' emoticon is supposed to be a 'tearing hair out emoticon'. It seems the blog programme is getting those confused, as I know I typed the correct code.

  88. I assure you I'm not the one that looks silly, unintelligent, or unsophisticated in my "powers of reasoning." Thank you for your opinion just the same..... Athena, by any chance?

    Please, by all means, don't tear your hair out over little ole unsophisticated sloppy-speaking American me. ;) =))

    I am still waiting on the photo of Colin LEAVING THE PREMIERE OF THE MJ MOVIE "THIS IS IT" though. Since you've so clearly pointed out what a dolt I apparently am, would you mind, once again, pointing me in the direction of that photo? ;)

    Here. Let me test out the "tearing hair out" emoticon: ~x(

  89. The emoticon seems to have worked for me. Perhaps the blog owner has it set to only work correctly for sloppy-speaking, unsophisticated, dim-witted speakers of American English who lack reasoning skills????
    8-} =))

  90. I think so ...... maybe they want to get married in Mexico or have already done.
    It is possible for Colin.

  91. "In other words, the strength of your feeling, It indicates that yes, you experience a great deal of discomfort when someone demonstrates a plausible alternate interpretation of the facts."

    Tell me again how it is that YOU know what I'M FEELING....???

    And what are the "FACTS?"


    Here's what I'm feeling at the moment: bored with this conversation. It must be my complete lack of reasoning skills.... 8-} =))

  92. Have a good day..... Athena???? Come on, it's you. ;)

    Good luck with unearthing who that "slight framed, dark blonde haired, creamy-skinned" mystery woman who looks JUST LIKE CF's girlfriend Alicja Bachleda-Curus, photographed with him at LAX, is in all those Mexico photos.

    LOL, no I'm not "Nell." Is that one of the other imdb people who've taken over Colin's board? I don't recognize the name.


  94. Yeah, it's you Athena.

  95. 1:38 thank you for pointing the obvious,I'm wondering how will she spin this now,the girl in pix is ABC,but now they're not in love they are just friends according to her.


    Who said any of this Athena???? And you claimed to be an ex-journalist, not a makeup artist. Try to keep your stories straight.

  97. 5:34 for somebody who has so many jobs,she sure has a lot of free time to spend on message boards and blogs.

  98. I never actually claimed to be anything like that. I have been in Primary Education for years! =))

  99. Oops! Athena, would that mean you're the anonymous "ex-journalist" who teaches "Queen's English" to "schoolchildren" in Japan?? Yeah, I thought so.

    :)) :)) :)) :))

  100. 6:45 am - I totally agree. This blog is like whining of some bitter old spinsters. Much ado about nothing.
    Bye, bye


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