Monday, November 30, 2009



  1. =)) Colin and Alicja are playing with us
    as I am telling you from the beginnig they will live hapilly to the end ;))

  2. And people say this doesn't look fake? =))

  3. Oh no no I'm sure they've staged those pics, for sure ;P :) LOL

  4. oh no! They've staged this pics for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just look at them !!!! hahahah :)) :)) LOL

  5. Alicja you are the best! Because you are polish woman with your beauty, smart, charm, wisenness, elegance, madness, warmhearted etc. Mostly polish women are like that :X all the best!

  6. =)) Mrs. and Mr Farrell b-(

  7. Colin Titty Farrell :-*

  8. Who knows maybe they're already married.

  9. 2:19 :) easy I admitt they look like normal couple good for them but marrige??? God! I would die! ;P :)

  10. And the paps are so conveniently nearby by to show that they are a 'real couple'... and so soon after they left LAX too. Every other time Colin goes on holiday, paps have not found out where Colin is for weeks, and this time they find out within 24 hours? The US is a big place, and the rest of the world is even bigger. That is one hell of a coincidence. Yet they want us to believe that this is not a PR setup? Oh please!

  11. :D he indeed looks like he is sick of her, definitely ;)

  12. 2:36 seriously? no, I'm really asking seriously? I know what you're gonna say so you don't need to answer but at this point I think you should just accept that they're together and just wish (if you want to) that thy'll brake up.

  13. oh come on people, one time you'r crying of not knowing where is Colin, what is going on and now you're not satisfight because Colin show where and with who he is.... :-t

  14. :-o I can't believe what kind of fans CF has

  15. 2:36 stop this "witch hunt" already,he is happy with her at least for now,maybe after they'll brake up you can boast.

  16. 2:54 those who don't like him beeing happy because thay can't stand any girls who's with him.

  17. 2:45 - it is just too much of a coincidence that this trip and these photos come out just after there was an allegation of him seeing Ms Jackson.

  18. ITA 236 its good to see someone with common sense.

  19. there're always some allegations about different things, meanwhile guy is leaving his life but I can see that some of us will always tell that it is not coincidence and that's all right you're entitled to your own opinions that's what it is about we'll never know everything but I see no need in beeing bitchy to each other.

  20. To me these pix look like they just had sex,that would be right the baby is 7 weeks old and you're not supposed to have sex for 6 weeks after the birth,so I don't think so this has something to do with JJ,more like it they want to spend some time together.

  21. True 313. I mean I have my reservations about the relationship, maybe it is real, maybe it is not but people should be able to say what they think without the fear of reprisals. People should not get so emotionally invested in it - it's not their life and what they say is unlikely to affect or hurt Colin.

    This is a free forum - let's try to respect one another, OK?

  22. They should be spending time with their kid.

  23. I can't wait to see what happens when they fall out of lust for one another.

  24. I think they might last,plus the is baby involved,he might try to work it out for his son sake,if he was in his twenties I might think differently,but Colin is more mature now and he might want to have a family(see Johnny Depp).

    more pics

  26. Knowing her (I was a makeup artist on Trade) I just want to say that Colin should get the hell out of there asap. I have never met someone who was more abusive, rude, and a brown nose. Anyone who is not an important person in the movie industry, she treats like dirt. If they are an important person, she really sucks up to them. It's nauseating to watch her at work. She can be charming when she wants - and that 'charming face' that she has is what I see in these photos. Many people have fallen for that only to discover before long what she is like underneath. I can totally see her charming her way into his bed, but it looks like (on some of the photos) that Colin is starting to see what she is like. Get the hell out of there Colin - NOW.

  27. thnx, you know what i really feel awfull watching those pics I actually feel sorry for them at this moment bunch of people sitting in front of their's computares commenting on theyir live I'm going back to my life thanks God without paparazzi .

  28. 3:47 even if you're right they've been together for more than a year now so I guess he knows what he's doing it's not like he's little boy anymore he works in this bussines long enough to know what's going on around him.

  29. 3:47 sure you're a makeup artist,and by the chance your name is Athena,you know we had here a journalist,a lawyer,a camera man a doctor, a forensic specialist,a teacher and the list go on and on,so nice try.

  30. No 4pm. ;)) I know who you are referring to, and I don't post on IMDB. I hate those so-called 'fans'. Nice try yourself.

    I have been a makeup artist (and only a makeup artist) for 13 years.

    If you even actually read what I wrote, you'd see I believe they are a couple, Athena does not. Subtle difference.

  31. Ha ha I'm not a fool,I read somewhere the same story but the person was a makeup artist on Ondine,maybe ABC has someting against makeup artists.

  32. 8-} 3.47 you little troll are you still here?

  33. You are quite blatantly a fool, 4:42. I got an email from an old workmate of mine saying 'you're not going to believe this. He must be insane' with a link to this place. When I saw the pictures I felt compelled to speak.

  34. 5:00 I rather be a fool then one jealous chick who is green with envy because she can't have Colin.

  35. You don't know me so forgive me if I say the one looking *-} is you.

    Oh, and BTW, I think Hugh Jackman is better looking, so no I am not 'green with envy'.

  36. Sorry Gemini,I guess we got carried away,we shouldn't take this stuff too seriously,on another note how great is to work at LAX,they must have to see star after star.

  37. I just saw a video of them arriving at LAX and they do not look happy. I don't think it is because of the paps, either.

  38. Is he naked in that last pic?? LOL

  39. They look fine to me,how do you want them to act,hold hands,kiss,look at each other eyes,then you would still say they are acting too happy and phony.

  40. it looks like it,or he's wearing speedo(yuck)

  41. 612, I'd settle for them to maybe smile at one another or even acknowledge one another.

    I love the photo of Alicja taking a photo of the paps!

  42. @ 3:47 When did shooting begin and end on Trade - precisely? Which local are you a member of?

  43. A black speedo. Colin looks good, healthy, And I feel happy for him. But leaving the baby behind is just too much in my book.

  44. Here 6:25, they're smiling at one another in these ones. Feel better now?

  45. 6:29 I am happy for them too,but I'm questioning their parenting skills,who is taking care of the baby,her mother,his mother,Claudine,the nanny?

  46. Hey 6:32. You must have good eyesight if you can see a smile there. All I can see is a pick peck.

  47. 6:46 I see them too smiling at each other,so it's not only 6:32.


  49. Gemini are you polish?

  50. @ 4:00pm, I think Athena is pretending to be the ex-journalist. Someone else is pretending to be the makeup artist ;) But the makeup artist story is the exact same story some other poser came on here and told a month or two ago, only they said it was on the Ondine set. :))

    Check this out. CF should fire Danica and hire this person as his rep since she knows so much about the workings of the industry... =)) Not.


  51. they look happy and it's good really good I actually like him and she doesn't bother me I know thet some people say that she's mean and brownoser but hey! no one said she's perfect as no one said he is, actually I wasn't sure if the 'll make it but if they survived baby so early in the relationship they might be pretty good if they feel good with each other and I wish them well. Maybe he's celebrity sexy bad boy ble ble ble but he's a human and the man at first so if he likes her than he likes her it's not like we know them it's just cool to see him looking really happy:) that's all.

  52. 8:06 you're soooooooo right I actually remember that story :) I know that maybe in real life se's not perfect but I can't stop thinking that someone who's really in the industry wouldn't say a thing!!! plus even if she's evil it doesn't change the thing that he looks like beeing happy with her beeing pure evil :P

  53. 806 could you try providing a working link?

  54. @ 8:06 I know it's one of them,too bad for Alicja that someone is spreding those nasty lies.I think 6:25 is still waiting for the answer when shoothing begin and end for Trade.

  55. People in any industry do b!tch about each other, though. I con't see why the movie industry would be any different. It's not professional, but it's a form of stress relief. Especially on a forum like this where it can be done anonymously. It doesn't mean that it's not true. Besides that it's a way for professionals to know who to avoid working with. There are some industry people (such as scriptwriters) that read the various CF sites and if they can see that someone has a bad reputation for whatever reason, I think it's best they find out about it before they start working with them. That's just my opinion though.

  56. 8:24 the link works for me.

    8:39 if people who are REALLY in the industry want to exchange information about who and who not to work with etc and so forth, they don't need to do it on random blogs LOL. Really. That's not how it works.

  57. 8:39 -> :)

    8:06 ->

  58. industry is money and reputation it's normal. I like Alicja but I also know that she's not silly smiley pretty stupid blonde girl she's self confident, ambitious women who is well educated and know this bussines since she was 16 and I actually think it might be one of many (or not many;P)things that Colin likes about het she's just not afraid.She's living her life and I wish it to everyone .

  59. 8:29 I agree, the spreading of nasty hateful lies is terrible. But I do hope that CF and ABC (and whomever else he's in a relationship with - past or future) realize that the vast majority of people in the world don't buy into this crap and we don't all hold the same opinions, and we are not all the same bitter, nasty, rotten so-called "fans." <-- They're just the loudest, that's all.

  60. How do you know this, 8:46? I don't know a single person who wouldn't do that if they could be sure it wouldn't bite them in the a**.

  61. 8:39 But why this person is coming out now with this sory,how convenient,I've never heard that before about Alicja,but as soon as she starts dating Colin all these stories popping out.

  62. @8:48 thanks for the links.... Athena. You're only digging a deeper hole though ;) :-*

    And yes 8:53 (Athena again? ;) ), I'm not surprised you know no one in the industry. It's obvious by your theories.

  63. A bad rep will come out no matter people do. Remember when Naomi Campbell lost it at Heathrow airport, because the airport had lost one of her bags? I was there, and I can guarantee within ten minutes the twenty or so people had told about 4-5 people each (family, friends, that kind of thing). If Alicja did misbehave during filming for whatever reason, people would hear about it. The best sources for info like that are the Maitre D's and hotel managers.

  64. 8:53,you know what I think these women must have very miserable life,I can't find one positive thing that is coming out of their mouths.

  65. Sorry 9pm (Nell?) I'm not Athena. Guess again.

  66. Athena, WHO is "Nell"????

  67. 9:13 yes you are :D

  68. Hey Athena, I figured out who the girl in the towel that (you refuse to believe) looks JUST LIKE ABC kissing CF in those photos is......

    Drum roll..........

    "Iris Rose"

    =)) =)) =)) =))

  69. No, wait, wait, it's Janet Jackson!
    =)) =)) =)) =))

  70. 9:19 =)) Yeah, right. Get real!

  71. 9:13 yes it's you Athena and your crazy conspiracy theories.

  72. No, I have a better idea, 9:29! It's you! :)) FCOL, grow up! I NEVER said that. I know you think I am Athena but I am not - but keep saying it because those who know me (hint: I am a CFF member - NOT IMDB) are wetting themselves laughing at you.

  73. 9:32, saying it over and over again, does not make it true. Now go and take your meds!

  74. Have it your way, Athena. I've got things to do now. Ciao :-*

  75. '9:13 yes it's you Athena and your crazy conspiracy theories.'

    =)) :)) Not so!

    There's a reason for why others at CFF call you delusional.

  76. Ok if you are not Athena you're one of those crazy witches from IMDB,for sure you're are not Mary from CFF,

  77. 9:36 - Bye! 8-} woman...

    NB to others - NEVER let her bully you like that.

  78. No, I'm not from IMDB, although I will admit I have read it. I am a poster from CFF.

  79. Don't take the bait 9:41. You were correct in your assumptions - those crazy theories belong to one person alone - that is Athena.

  80. 9:52 there are few others as bad as her if not worse:)

  81. If you think there are few as bad as her you need to read some comments on some other blog sites. There are many.

  82. I don't think she's "bad." There are quite a few others on imdb whose posts are downright vicious, far more than hers. The reason it is Athena is she is the one with all the wacky theories. She was the only one on imdb absurd enough to try and say that that is not ABC in those photos. And then she came here and was saying the exact same things.

  83. And she is still here right now, trying to convince us it's not her ;)

  84. Yes there is another one that claimed that Colin is ashamed of his newborn son,she is beyond vicious.

  85. I see that a lot of her "polish family"is on this blog.

  86. I'm American, of Irish decent, 10:38.

  87. Mainly because they weren't me, 1023. I'm Athena21. If you have a problem with me, show some guts and take it up with me where I post - on IMDB. STOP being a bully just you think that everyone else should think like you do! x(

  88. Can I just say... woah?! A certain few are getting like so way too personal... and no,I am not trying to pull a 'mod' move here. But seriously... CHILL OUT :-L

    Also; please, a little bit more respect for those who want to visit this blog for some good 'Colin Farrell' info, pics and hopefully a little chuckle along the way, and the chance to voice an honest, free, and difference of indivdual opinion... :-o

    =(( I don't want to stop anyone from making a comment here... ever, (so never my intention, as many of you well know), but at the same time... please, let's try and keep it user friendly within the limits of being non-psycho 8-} Otherwise, other people may well be put off ever having the balls to make a simple, but welcome comment here! ;)


    Blogger since November 2009. Hmm.


  90. Gemini, let me say this. When an environment is established where it is not only acceptable to pick on CF (whether "in good fun" - whatever that means - or not), but also common place to mock and tear down the people in his life, calling them "skank," "hoe," "b!tch," "famewhore" and the list is endless... then not only are people going to have a response to that, but it also opens the door to a free-for-all. Perhaps that is why the admin over at CFF that so many on imdb are fond of bashing, has the rules that she does (and NO I am not a CFF admin). When I read someone making the most ridiculous statements over on imdb and then I come here and read the very same ones, I do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure who's making them. Of course we can disagree. If someone wants to tell themselves that the girl in the photos kissing CF is not ABC, then that is their right to do so. I simply responded to it. Directly. Here where I post. I'm a direct sort of person. Perhaps it's best I don't read this blog anymore. Frankly, it would be nice if we could discuss something other than ABC once in a while.

  91. 12:22
    You are being too harsh on Gemini.
    !- her blog is sucessfull because it is free. Whenever needed she says something and people do respect her.
    2-Gemini opened lots of threads to talk about colins movies. No one coments them. So it is not her fault.
    3- Trolls show everywhere.

  92. 12:12 bravo!I feel the same way,I can't stand all that mocking and tearing down Colin or any of his girlfriends,you know Colin or whoever he is with are not here to defend themselves against those attacks.

  93. A# Dec 01, 12:22 AM
    Thank you for your opinion... agree with some of what you say, but not all. Am glad you felt compelled enough to voice your response/comment regarding my concerns, but was saddened as in yet another 'Anonymous'... Daredevil! ;) However, as we all know, you are not alone in that one... and those that do so with 'relish', you know who you are... ;))!

    But as much I may not like all that is being 'posted' on my blog, I cannot bring myself, yet, and hopefully never... to become judge and jury, on people's freedom of speech. That said though, I also don't invite, or enjoy complete stupidity either... it's a thin line as I'm finding out... but I have faith in my blog that it is still giving more enjoyment to others than not. And so the day I don't feel that is... is the day it's over and out from me x

  94. Sorry Gemini. It just really annoys me when someone is that immature.

    11:36, I decided to try and start up my own blog site (NOT Colin related - nor does it touch on any so-called 'conspiracy theories' :)) ) a couple of weeks ago. That is why it says 'blogger since Nov. 09'. I will be slowly setting it up over the next few weeks, when I get time. There is no conspiracy there.

    @ 12:22. That's called free speech. There are those of us who like his GF's, and those of us who don't like his GF's. Usually both sides have good reasons, and we're not shy about saying it. Colin does not need you defending him - he is a grown man. I did hear one celebrity say often it's the fans that feel the need to defend their idol that are the worst type of fans.

    'When I read someone making the most ridiculous statements over on imdb and then I come here and read the very same ones, I do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure who's making them.'

    Excuse me? You've never heard of plagiarism? People copy posts from message boards and blog sites and all the time. They should not do it, but they do. I've posted here about once before.

    Oh and in regards to if it was or was not her in the towel kissing Colin in the photo, a subsequent photo has shown that yes it was her. However, if you read what I actually said at IMDB (which you can read here):

    That was from then the only photo available was the one where her hair obscured her face. Unless you have some special powers, you need facial features to identify someone. I said 'we don't know if it is her'. There is a big difference between saying 'that's not her' and saying 'we don't know'. Please learn that.

  95. 12:44, I am not being harsh toward Gemini in any way. I'm simply stating the obvious about the majority of comments made on her blog and the environment that that establishes. One cannot deny that people are entirely "free" here to call CF, ABC, and any other woman in his life every name in the book. If not for the anonymity (screen name or not), I highly doubt that would be the case - anywhere on the internet. Yes, trolls do show everywhere. And some places are inhabited entirely by them. When I read utter bullsh!t, it's in my nature to respond to it. That's just how it is.

  96. Athena, I'm sorry but - "please learn that" - there is nothing I wish to learn from you. Thanks.

  97. Athena so if I'm defending Colin I'm the worst type of fan.I think Colin would strongly disagree,you guys wrote some not nice stuff about him,his girlfriend and his newborn son,but you would never dare to say it in his face.

  98. 1:10, You need to learn basic comprehension. There is a difference between what I actually said, and what you said I said. It might be small but it is important.

    1:32, Yes, because those types of fans are usually the type that react the worst when they finally realise the truth about their idol. Now, I don't know what the truth is with Colin. I don't pretend to know the person he is now. But one thing that I do know is that IMDB-type fans are usually more forgiving than others.

    It's true, some said he was ashamed of his NB son. Personally I don't think that he is, but for that person his behaviour in regards to his son (his refusal to publicly acknowledge the birth for some weeks and other things) came across to them as him being callous and disrespectful to his child. Sort of like denying his right to exist. Many have good reason to believe his GF has suspect motives to get involved with him.

    And yes, I would dare say it to his face because I think he needs to hear it.

  99. Athena, there you go again telling me I "need to learn" when I've already said there's nothing you can teach me -- certainly not by your example, certainly not by your own ability to follow the line of an argument, and certainly not by your "powers of reasoning" as you posted anonymously earlier today in the other thread. So please just stop. There is nothing I wish to learn or hear from you. Is that clear enough? Thank you. CF "needs to hear" anything you have to say just about as much as I do... like he needs a hole in the head. But I guess as long as you think YOU know what's best for him, that's all that matters. Ok, are we done? Good.

  100. Strange how the person who kept posting and posting and posting that they weren't Athena, disappeared shortly before Athena21 showed up with her freshly made blog gravatar.

  101. if id been pinching someones posts and then that person turned up at the blog id get out of dodge too

  102. Athena what is the "truth"about Colin,you don't know him personally, and neither do I.He is human like everybody else,I like him as an actor but he is not my idol, I don't worship him maybe if I was 15 years old but I'm not.Colin doesn't need to hear or learn anything from you,you said it yourself he is a grown man.And the thread about "Colin is ashamed of his illegitimate son" was removed from IMDB board by moderators,it was that offensive,not liking his girlfriend is one thing but picking on his son is disgusting.

  103. Athena21, weren't YOU in fact trying to deny Henry's existence? Not CF, but YOU. I seem to recall quite a few imdb posts by you, saying the baby didn't exist - it was all a "pr stunt." Don't you, from time to time, still tack on the phrase "if he exists" -?? - yes, I think you do. I'm not, nor will I be, in the least bit shattered by anything I might find out about CF. Really, what CAN I find out? Nothing. I don't know him. Your 'fans that defend their celeb turn out to be the worst fans' argument is weak at best. I think the ones that are truly shattered are those of you going on and on calling his GFs "whores" and "skanks" and "hoes" and whatever else. Those of you who think you have any right to comment on how he/they raise their child, or whether or not they are entitled to go to a concert or on a trip. You're the ones who are shattered -- every time CF gets serious with a woman that's not you, you're shattered -- that's what I THINK.

    2:41/Athena/whoever -- Please. Give us a little credit here, will ya? Everyone is anonymous - including Athena21, whether she posts with a gravatar or as "anonymous."

  104. 2:47 they re-posted the thread. Started it all over again, they did. Sick.

  105. 2:51,yeah I know I wonder if any of these women have kids(:



    Athena21 said...

    I never actually claimed to be anything like that. I have been in Primary Education for years! =))
    December 1, 2009 2:30 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Oops! Athena, would that mean you're the anonymous "ex-journalist" who teaches "Queen's English" to "schoolchildren" in Japan?? Yeah, I thought so.
    :)) :)) :)) :))


    Yup, yup, busted :D

  107. Please don't bother denying it. Know when to hold and know when to fold, as the saying goes.

  108. !


  109. WTF. They left a newborn with a nanny at his age and you guys want to fuck with each other?? Yea. She looks hot in a bikini and they kissed on a balcony in Mexico. Cool. Except they have an infant at home. Henry. Remember him?? Who leaves a tiny baby to go play at a resort in Mexico?

  110. 5:07 Well then you should write them a letter and tell them just how you feel about it!

  111. Do you have a different record to play, 314? This one is boring. Who cares who they are? It's not the end of the world.

    BTW, I was the one posting Athena's stuff here anonymously. I enjoy stirring things up! Thanks for the kicks! =))

  112. Oh... so it's YOU who teaches "Queen's English" to "schoolchildren" in Japan? Whereas SHE has just "been in Primary Education for years." You guys work together?

    Got in touch with you, did she? :p Well, you're a good friend for backing her story up! I hope she thanked you for coming to the rescue :D ;)) For someone who's so bored you sure seem amused.

    I'd like to take this opportunity to post some of my most favorite and unmistakable Athena-isms:
    airport walkthrough
    PR exercise
    HIGHLY suspicious

    But you ARE right about one thing: Who cares! Oh wait. YOU. You care. You cared enough to come here and fix it for her. That's a true friend :) I'm humbled. :))

  113. on in the description of a pictures of her in swimsuit (she looks really good) they've wrote Colin farrell's wife I know I know that she's not but it sounds strange... colin farrell wife God end of the world.


TRIAGE TRAILER... Thanks to A# 15 Oct 09 @ 10.48 PM










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