Tuesday, December 1, 2009

LIFE'S A BEACH FOR ALICJA... Baby; what baby?!


  1. She popped out a kid seven weeks ago? I don't think so.

  2. she's young, fit, she has help with all housework I don't get why everyone is so surprised that she looks good.

  3. She is really a gorgious girl. Colin is lucky. Has everything a man needs to be happy. I hope little Henry is beautiful too. During his footage, when asked by one of paps about the baby, Colin replied that he is lovely.

  4. The paps asked him about thanksgiving and he answered all good.

  5. It was his footage after he came back from Seville. It was guite noisy but you can hear it.

  6. Where's Colin?
    More important,where's Henry?
    With the nanny i presume.
    And she calls herself a mother...
    Shame on her!!

  7. Start looking for them! the sooner the better!!!
    Or report to the police they disappeared. I'm sure they'll help you.

  8. 11:20 AM,

    'Where's Henry?
    With the nanny i presume.
    And she calls herself a mother...
    Shame on her!!'

    I couldn't agree more!!
    I'm a mother myself and i find this kind of 'mothering' unacceptable.
    Compliments on her post pregnancy body though,it looks great.
    Almost surreal...

  9. Where's Colin?
    More important,where's Henry?
    With the nanny i presume.
    You mean, both of them? Like Jude law? : )))

  10. These pictures are sooooo going to backfire on her.
    People on other blogs are allready judging/questioning her parenting skills...




    And this person clearly isn't a big fan of Colin...


  11. 1:23 PM,

    I wouldn't be surprised!!

  12. She was born in Tampico, Mexico and all the time has Mexican citizenship, apart from Polish, although she left Mexico when she was a few months baby.
    She was also awarded honorary citizenship of Tampico at her 25th birthday.

  13. Wow she has amazing body,but I have to agree to leave a newborn so early it's selfish I don't think I could sleep peacefully.

  14. More photos http://www.picapp.com/Search.aspx?term=colin+farrell&frompage=canvas .

  15. Now I'm pretty shure...She's famewhore!!!

  16. A#, Dec 1, 3:02 PM
    Thanks for the link, have posted it ;;)

  17. I like her, don't know why but she doesn't seem to me like stupid silly girly girl but I know it's only my opinion so please don't yell at me it's just what I think.

  18. If she had a baby I don't see the line that goes across(vertically) of her belly,those who had kids know what I'm talking about,this line stays there for some time,I'm not saying she didn't have the baby and the quality of pictures is not the best but it's puzzling.

  19. what the hell is she doing at the first pic on this "new" site pics are the worst they froze you in the moment and you look stuuuupid poore girl;P I actually like her and see nothing wrong in looking good she's only 26 and do you remember pics from August ? she was 7 m pregnant and she was not showing so much so she probably had a pretty small belly plus she probably has all the help she needs so she can afford beeing sexy again, it's pretty simple.

  20. she's tanned plus pics are obviously taken from a long distance so we can't see anything I really think that Henry is real I've never heard about pretending to have a baby (not beeing pregnant) even in Hollywood

  21. I don't deny it she didn't have the baby,it's very possible to look like that after pregnancy,she is still very young and she has this slim,athletic body type,but no matter what I find it strange she doesn't have that line.

  22. We should see Henry very soon,if they're going for Christmas to Europe I am sure we'll get some shots from airport,if not in LAX maybe in Dublin.

  23. 6:27 there is possibility that they'll fly private, I know that we have recession now but one private flight is not gonna kill him probably.

  24. 5:52 I like her too. Don't kill me! Such figure is good genes but also excercising and sports like water skis etc. I've read somewhere that for Ondine she had to swim every morning in the sea of temp about 10 centigrades to get used to it. On the last day of scenes for Ondine she stayed too long in cold water and she even suffered from periodical hypothermia (blue lips etc.)She is probably a very good swimmer.
    That's why she has athletic figure. Good figure does not come from sitting in front of computer (unfortunately)!!!

  25. BTW nobody noticed that Colin had a close shave.
    Does he want to kiss his baby?

  26. She probably exercised during pregnancy also,that's why she didn't gain too much weight.Colin and her make a beautiful couple I don't know if they'll last,but for now they seem very happy.

  27. Gemini you are being melodramatic. I am quite happy that Colin lives his own life, not according to your plan.
    One of the fans

  28. Actually I have a close friend who had her little boy one day before Alicia, and she's really short girl (Alicia is rather tall)and I'm sure she wasn't doing anything special during the pregnancy and she had this really big belly and she looks almost like she used to, I said almost because she is taking care of the baby and house alone so she hasn't got so much rest and help and time for exercise but she's 26 , so I really believe that Alicia with all the help and potential can look like that today.Remember Heidi Klum when she had her first babys?When she was younger? same thing. God even today she looks great!

  29. 7:42 You are right, I read an interview with her in which she spoke about their sports hobbies.
    She likes to swim, run, grow skiing and practicing yoga.
    In childhood, the six years to attend ballet school.
    She comes from a family of sporting traditions, from which some famous skiers, for example, Andrzej Bachleda CuruÅ›
    I apologize for grammar, but I know English weakly.

  30. Well I for one believe she had a baby and i also know that every woman's body is different. Some skinny woman have a baby and have 30lbs to loose, some are larger and come out 20lbs smaller. Alicja is very young 26, her body looks great and I really don't think she had to do much to get right back down to her pre-pregnancy weight. Some woman just need to push the baby out and a week later after breastfeeding seem to go right back to a nice body. But who is to judge, does it really matter, all mother's have beautiful bodies.


  31. In the photos of them returning from their romantic vacation (see IMDB) it looks like he can't get away from her fast enough. Beginning to believe the whole thing was a photo op for ABC to show off her post baby body and nix the JJ rumor. Not buying it kids.

  32. 5:00,

    I agree!!
    It won't be long now 'till the break-up because obviously there is some trouble in paradise.
    I see a patern:
    *Amelia/Bora Bora... Splitsville
    *Kim/Hawaii... Splitsville
    *Muireann/Las Vegas... Splitsville
    *Alicja/Mexico... ?!

  33. In some of the airport photos in August Alicja looked pretty big.

  34. ABC was after fame and she's famous now for being a fame-ho, a really bad mother but a really bad mother with a great bikini body. The sad part is I think that's what she was after. She's not very smart, is she?

  35. Here are the only things I can think of that could have happened for her to look THAT good THIS soon:

    1) They adopted the baby, and the airport photos were photoshopped.
    2) They had the baby via a surrogate and again, the airport photos were photoshopped.
    3) She had major plastic surgery or liposuction work done post-birth, and the beach photos were photoshopped.
    4) She worked out for a solid two hours plus hours a day, before and after pregnancy, has a nanny and the beach photos were photoshopped.
    5) She just happens to be like less than one percent of the population and lucky enough to lose the baby weight within about two seconds (remember how good she looked two weeks after the birth?)
    6) They never had a baby.

    They are home now:
    http://photo.wenn.com/index.php?action=quicksearch&ppid=102869& ;version=int

    I have not seen him look that sexy, that, worried and that totally disinterested in someone before.

  36. In the photos "Just jarred Mexico Move Out" they look so nice and Colin looks much younger then before - like a boy. And those brooding eyes of his.

  37. Ok,anyone here who still thinks she is 'gorgeous'...?



  38. in works both ways he's getting a lot of press lately because of her, he's now this hot irish lad with hot girl -not a bad image for Colin Farrell right?

  39. I actually just thought of another three possibilities: Maybe she had the baby earlier. That visitor that saw Colin at the medical centre could have run into him whilst the the baby was having their six-week checkup, couldn't they? Or (touch wood and pray that neither of these two happened) the baby was premature or (please God, no!) the baby didn't make it. Given his unwillingness to announce things, it's unlikely he would announce if that happened.

  40. God it's bizzare what's the big fuzz for paps?? two people came out of the plane!!!!! She's pretty can't say that she isn't and they look normal what would you do if paps would almost stick cameras up your as@#$??

  41. http://justjared.buzznet.com/photo-gallery/2217282/colin-farrell-baby-number-2-01

    They are deliberately not even looking at each other.

  42. http://x17video.com/celebrity_video/colin_farrell/colin_farrell_and_alicja_bachl.php

  43. Why do the photographers always try to talk to him and ask him stupid questions they know he's not gonna answer? It must be a razzi technique to try to get him to slow down or look at the camera. Looking at the still photos, I can really see why some people interpret them as "they're miserable together," "it's all an act," bla bla, but watching the video, they're just hauling some serious @ss to get to the car lol. I don't think you can read more into it than that. Though I know some people would like to. I agree 7:55, NOBODY walks through an airport gazing into each others eyes lol, even when they're not being chased by photographers. And I don't think she's behind him because he's "uninterested." It looks to me like he's clearing the path.

  44. Even seeing the video, I still say their relationship is on VERY rocky ground. When they left, they weren't looking at each other, but it didn't feel like they were going out of their way to not look at each other. Unlike here. The airport stills of them coming back from Mexico show that there is a metaphorical wall between the two.

    I think he was pulling her through the paps so she couldn't stop and lap up the attention.

  45. 10:27 You're right, and I know that lots of people will say something opposite but there is seriously nothing more than that, watching this video you can clearly see how fast everything is happaning and what a circus it is.

  46. 12:58 I agree, when you first see the pictures you can interpret them as"they are not into each other"but video tells the different story,everything is happening so fast.As far as the baby I think we my might see glimpse of him when they'll be going to Europe,if there is no baby then I will have some doubts,

  47. Yes,i finally found some post pregnancy 'damage' on her body!!
    She has cellulite... :-)

  48. A# Dec 2, 6.56 PM
    I have to say I think you're grasping at straws now... cos if you believe that is cellulite then you must have x-ray glasses on honey :-o

    PS. Thank you... I'll probably never have the confidence to wear a bikini in public again!!! :(( ;))

  49. Gemini, did you get my email? The freakin long life story one? Ack.H

  50. Yuck. She has a gross flabby bottom. Colin could never love a girl with an ugly butt. Never.

  51. 4:46, I think that's the most desperate comment I've seen made on this blog. Ever.

  52. Good. Then I've made my point.

  53. Good... then you won't need to repeat it? 8-}

  54. I think that the paparazzi what they do is terrible. How can you do to someone in a bikini photo without his permission and put them on public forums? Today I saw pictures Helen Hunt in a bikini, a signed "rate the body of the famous actress, who is 47 years." Internet users are people with varying levels of intellect, some of their remarks are disgusting.
    I think that should be set some limits of privacy, even for celebrities.

  55. oh dear droppy boobs already, looks like things are going south for alicja, wait till the fullness goes away from the breast milk- its not attractive!

  56. 7:04 your jealousy is as transparent as glass. your comment then applies to every woman who's ever given birth, including your own mother, or YOU, if you've had a child. you don't like her because she's with colin. period.

    you know, i have not seen one ounce of this supposed "fame whore" so many people talk about, in the interviews i've seen of her. granted, we never see the "real" person behind the celeb persona, but still. how does anyone know this about her? they don't. just because she once said she's "ambitious" - ALL actors are or they wouldn't be in the business. how do we know colin didn't initiate their whole relationship? i assume he probably did. he was certainly there when she conceived lmao! i do agree with people who are shocked that they would leave behind a 7 week old newborn to go on a trip, but they both did so, not just her.

  57. EXACTLY 12:37.... LEAVE ALICJA ALONE...besides those photo's are OLD dumb ASSES

  58. I thought the bikini photos were taken days ago in Mexico. It would make a lot more sense if they were old.

  59. Trust me they are old, like try a few years old.

  60. If they're old..where and when are they from? and do you have the old link? Thank you.

  61. I believe the bikini pix are old. For one thing, why is Colin in none of them? Her body really doesn't look like she's breastfeeding a new baby in these. One thing to be that slim so soon which is possible but in the t-shirts at airport and the interview she looks MUCH bigger. She's got a tricky PR person. I wonder if Danica is working for her too.


TRIAGE TRAILER... Thanks to A# 15 Oct 09 @ 10.48 PM










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